Thursday 27 December 2012

Like I was saying about already planning my summer clothes? Well, I've bought a playsuit. It's time I had one. Now, when I first tell you it's yellow with rabbits on it, you're thinking "eeeurgh!" Alas, it's gorgeous. I've wanted a yellow number for ages. Now all I need is a purple dress. With my purple heels  it'll be a cute outfit for a day out in Malia (because obviously, that's where class goes to flourish).

As for my next mission, I'm on the hunt for a straw boater. I wanted one last year but never got round to buying the one off ASOS. But I adore them. Plus with my little hair in plaits... could look quite sweet in a school girl sort of way??

Wednesday 26 December 2012

Crazy to be thinking ahead I know, but I'm already getting my head set into the festival theme. I'm kind of keen on this kind of thing for this year:

Aspects of it, not completely. This may be heavily influenced by my new Cowboy Boots I got this year:

They need wearing in a roughing up a bit, but I'm feeling that kind of thing. Hopefully planning to go to Latitude this year, the line up looks incredible as normal.

I want to get a hat as well, I've decided. Despite what Ollie says about them, I think it's time. And I can take it to Malia next year! One like Binky's from this weeks MIC episode:

There's no better time to think about Summer outfits that Christmas right?

Sunday 16 December 2012

I still haven't got over these heels. I feel like they're the type of shoes that you almost had but it was never quite the right time, but you both want each other so much. I feel like these shoes are calling me. One day.

Stunning stunning stunning. Check out for more amazing clothing.

I also wanted some shoes like this for christmas but mum said "you'd never wear them" which is a LIE because I WOULD.

Really like the look of those jeans as well.

I've been missing my hair a lot. It went through a phase where I could curl bits and then put the longer bits up and it was sort of sweet but it's middi length now. I'm going to grow it long again I think. Which is sad because I am in love with my hair dresser.

Anyway, the point is, if I did still have hair it would look like this:

Very sweet. Cute should be my thing, it goes quite nicely with annoying.

For the social, here's a little bit of an obvious hint as to what I'm going as... I've been making my headdress because I am poor. So far it's going well, except I spilt PVA on my tights and had to wash them in the sink. They're on a radiator now. But yes, I am making my headdress. Should be interesting.

Monday 2 July 2012

Absolutely loving thick eyeliner, I wish it was more of a casual look.

Friday 29 June 2012

So, I may have gone slightly overboard on how much I spent on the sale stuff today...

Still, it's worth it right??

Sunday 17 June 2012

I guess this is relevant to this blog, I've taken a dip with stuff because I've not really had much fashioney appearancey stuff to write about. Anyway, I got my nose pierced. I don't have a proper photo of it, and it was back in half term, or just before. I hated it. Not to mention losing them countless time, I kept catching it, it hurt if I caught it too much during the day and I was constantly worried about it getting affected.

But my main problem, was that it really made me feel sort of wrong. That's odd because I've literally wanted one since primary school, so I'd say if you think you want one, do it and then see how you feel about it. I have to say, as I dropped my final stud down the sink I had a huge smile spread across my face.

I did buy a gorgeous boys jumper from topman, I'm ashamed to say I made a phoney phonecall to make it sound like I was buying it for my jumper, but I'm very happy. I was going for this sort of thing:

Simple, plain outfit. But since I got my hair cut, it could look too precious. I don't know, anyway the jumper I bought is just a navy sweatshirt, no hood. But I still think it works the same. Getting to the dangerous point where I feel more safe in the boys department than women's. Wuh oh!

Also loving this fresh white thing that's going on:

So I'm desperate to get a plain white tee. Or a serge de nimes one, to treat myself.

To sum up:

Tuesday 12 June 2012

This is how I want to dress. It's hello to white from now on, time for a wardrobe revamp for summer.

Wednesday 6 June 2012

I found the new fashion! Toe separators should definitely make a come back... or an actual first time appearance in style. They look dead sexy with flip flops too...

Monday 4 June 2012

Okay, so I don't really have a proper costume idea for tonight, I wish I properly thought of ideas before these things. I was tempted to copy Georgina and go as a candy kitten, but then I thought naaaaah. All I could think up was to put candy sprinkles on my lips and nails, so that's what I'm going to do!

Saturday 2 June 2012

Is it wrong to like both of these?

Well, I have some disastrous news for you. I bought no clothes in America. I'll be honest, the shopping was nothing compared to London. I had to choose between prada, d&g, blooming dales etc which I couldn't afford, zara and h&m which I have at home, or macys which may be the largest shop in the world but it was like a tackier version of Debenhams, and that's saying something. So I bought this:

Caggie Dunlop eat your heart out. I wanted to find some Alicante heels, which I may as well reveal to you now seeing as NOWHERE SELLS THEM:

Anyway, he discontinued the blue ones and now there are only snake skin - ew. I forgot to buy an iPod touch cheeap in Apple over in NY which I was practically crying about on the way home. I just didn't see anywhere inspiring. Although, I did find Louise's leather sleeved black and military green jacket in zara over there, it was $150. Ouch.

Wasn't worth it methinks.

So yeah, I was disappointed. But like Jessie said, I guess if you don't know where to look in a strange city with a 56 year old man who's entire wardrobe comes from blue harbour in m&s, what hope do you have? At least I can splash the cash now.

Saturday 26 May 2012

OKAY I'm off to americaaaaa, but I shall be bringing back tonnes of amazing photos, so check this on friday, when I'm done de-jet lagging and this will be OARSOME.

Wednesday 23 May 2012

I was thinking about where I get my wacky slightly embarrassing sense of style from, and then this walked downstairs:

She was a bit busy for a proper photo, but I tried my best. Of course, my mum is equally as paranoid about being herself as I am, and she's always saying 'Am I too young for this?' But look at her. Fucking gorgeous.

She had her kinky knickers arrive in the post the other day, so if you need some new fancy knickers, I've been alerted that these are EXTREMELY comfortable. And if you can't be attracted to a pair of pants that have the slogan 'Love your country' if you get it... then there is something wrong with you.

They're made by british people, and each pair arrives saying who's made them, very sweet. Made by Mary Portas, who mum says she'd go lesbian for, and she's trying to get british produced clothing back, and just read this it's so funny (it's the packaging)

But yeah, my mum is cool basically. May do a bit of a diary entry of her crazy outfits over half term.

Monday 21 May 2012

So, today I tried out the shoes with my new asos skirt, a green crop top and a grey jacket. Problem was, it was freezing, so I wore a black cardie under the jacket and I looked CRAP. And then the shoes sort of hurt, but I'm hoping I'll wear them in before New York, or I'll have to buy emergency flip flops. (Which I seem to have millions of pairs of).

Anyway, I've decided flatforms aren't great with black tights, so I give up where that's concerned. I'm just going to wear them without any tights when it's warm enough, and it should be warm this week but IT'S NOT.

Apart from that, not further progress to report right now. Except I want this t-shirt so badly but it's too bloody expensive right now:

Saturday 19 May 2012


I ended up editing this (obviously) actually to see what I could've done for that art project. This on canvas would've been SO MUCH BETTER.

Just tried these on with my new topshop dress, and it made my legs look appauling. So, I'm going to go for tights, shorts and a tshirt kind of thing. Fussfree.

Thursday 17 May 2012

 Have you ever wanted to make your dog beautiful? Well, I wanted to as well. So, I got some hair slides and pinned his ear hair up over his head, really slimming his face. Then, I added an accessory. I hope you guys like it! xoxoxoxox

 finished result!

SHAZAM. Showed mum the shoes I want and she ordered them FOR me. Yaaay. Check it out, this is quite clearly the upcoming trend for summer. Flatform fuggin paradise:

A long time ago I found this blog and fell in love with her style:

She put up this photo, and I really wanted to buy a skirt like it:

I spent ages looking for one, and found one that kind of resembled it in Urban Outfitters. Problem was, the pattern was really fine and it was knitted, so it's stretched like hell and I can never wear it again, which is sad. Might turn it into a jumper. Anyway, lo and behold, ASOS started doing them, and it finally came yesterday:

How crazily similar is that?! I adore it.
I did the black outlined nail thing, and I don't think I will ever do it again. It was completely disastrous. It just looked like I had dirty nails, and I had to do it in so many stages and it looked lumpy and horrible. If you're going to do the fake nail thing, fine, go for it. But on your real nails, it takes waaaay too long and I ended up picking it off. 

My mum has just made a very good point. She came into my room and said 'Are you starting your own L'Occitane shop?' and then she suggested I sell some of the stuff. So, I have one pot of the previously mentioned Brightening Moisture face cream, which was given to me because the label faded in the sun so they can't sell it anymore. So, this is normally about 30 quid, I'd be happy to talk to someone about doing it for cheaper. Same concept goes for some shea butter body lotion (absolutely amazing for dry skin) it has been used a tiny bit because it was a tester.

I also have some brightening essence, which comes with a glass dropper and you use it as a serum before your moisturiser, helps the moisturiser sink in better and really target sun spots. I have tried some of this before, and it's amazing. But again I have 2 pots of it.

I'll hunt out some more stuff, pretty sure I have a lot more. I also have a MILLION tester hand creams, which are lovely. If you want any of these or you want something else and want to know if I have it, send me a message.

Wednesday 16 May 2012

This is turning into quite a laborious process. Hopefully the outcome will be worth it.

SO I finished the jeans, washed out the bleach and it hadn't done anything, but actually I don't mind, I quite like them. Most people today have said they preferred the patch, but I like them.

Here is a photo of me standing on a chair to show you them.

Anyway, the next thing I've been working on is a skirt made from a shirt, but less crap than it sounds. It's been something I've done occasionally having seen a photo Ben Cunningham took in New York. (He's a veteran photographer who spots amazing outfits and asks to take photos of them). He's got a book full of photos, check it out it's inspiring. There was this photo in the book:

It's her dad's old shirt, and I tried it out many times by folding it and holding it in place, but it always fell apart. So, unfortunately I've resorted to sewing and cutting it. I'll upload a photo when it's done, but it should be gorgeous.

Monday 14 May 2012

After being teased about my 'indie' patch relentlessly for ages, (which isn't indie, because I fell over 2 years ago and ripped my jeans, so my mum sewed a patch on to stop them ripping more), anyway that's besides the point. I thought I'd finally get round to doing the ripped jeans thing I've wanted to for ages.

Now while I absolutely love this amount of rips:

Not so sure school would be thrilled with these, and I want to be able to wear them to school. So I thought I'd aim for this kind of thing:

With less knee showing, I have odd knees, they look like faces... anyway. I cut off the patch and started ripping up bits of the jeans, then I've just got really carried away and used some bleach to smother in around the rips, see how that looks. You can't really see the bleach in this photo:

I need to do some more rips I reckon, but they look MUCH better. I'll upload a photo soon to show what they look like.
Been planning my outfits etc ready for NY in 3 weeks, and spent a lot of time looking at nail polish, came out with my favourite designs:

Love this, but want to do it in a sky blue.

Deckchair nails, without the floral, not sure my terrible art skills are up for that.

(This website has some great designs:

Hate to repeat my love for Caggie's nails, but I love them. So here they are again.

Plus the big rings, that's what I'm going to aim for. So siked.
So, the first post I thought I should dedicated to L'occitane, seeing as over the past few months they've taught me LOADS about dos and don'ts.

This totally blew my mind, we've all heard the 'cleanse, tone, moisturise' shenanigans, but an ideal skincare routine would be: cleanse, tone, serum, moisturise, eye balm, shield. I didn't understand the whole point of SPF shields at first, what's the point, they just run out after like half an hour, and we don't exactly need them at the moment (look out the window). But then I thought, actually, we do need as much protection as possible to stop our faces being full of sun spots and lacking elasticity by the time we're as old as our old parents. (No offence ma).

THEN you're extended skincare routine (which is once a week) is: cleanse, tone, exfoliate, mask, serum, moisturise, eye balm, shield. Crazy right? Some of my colleagues even do the cleanse and tone twice, just to be safe. Now, I don't know about anyone else, but I can't be bothered most mornings and evenings with all that. But I've just been given LOTS of samples of the skincare, and I'll admit the difference in my skin has been pretty good.

At the moment, we've just launched our Angelica campaign in Salisbury, which is the best range for dehydrated skin, also especially good for young skin, because the ingredients aren't too active, so there will be tonnes of amazing deals going on there, so come buy everything. Or make your parents.

This has been amazing:

This is the hydration mask, really good.

This is my favourite moisturiser as well, I've got a combination of oily and dry skin, so it's very effective. And I have LOTS of it, so if you want a sample please come take some from me!!

But generally, I have millions of face care samples and if anyone fancies trying out something, please come find me and ask if I have any good ones, because frankly I'm not going to get through all the samples.

EURGH boring post out the way.