Sunday 16 December 2012

I still haven't got over these heels. I feel like they're the type of shoes that you almost had but it was never quite the right time, but you both want each other so much. I feel like these shoes are calling me. One day.

Stunning stunning stunning. Check out for more amazing clothing.

I also wanted some shoes like this for christmas but mum said "you'd never wear them" which is a LIE because I WOULD.

Really like the look of those jeans as well.

I've been missing my hair a lot. It went through a phase where I could curl bits and then put the longer bits up and it was sort of sweet but it's middi length now. I'm going to grow it long again I think. Which is sad because I am in love with my hair dresser.

Anyway, the point is, if I did still have hair it would look like this:

Very sweet. Cute should be my thing, it goes quite nicely with annoying.

For the social, here's a little bit of an obvious hint as to what I'm going as... I've been making my headdress because I am poor. So far it's going well, except I spilt PVA on my tights and had to wash them in the sink. They're on a radiator now. But yes, I am making my headdress. Should be interesting.

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