Monday 14 May 2012

So, the first post I thought I should dedicated to L'occitane, seeing as over the past few months they've taught me LOADS about dos and don'ts.

This totally blew my mind, we've all heard the 'cleanse, tone, moisturise' shenanigans, but an ideal skincare routine would be: cleanse, tone, serum, moisturise, eye balm, shield. I didn't understand the whole point of SPF shields at first, what's the point, they just run out after like half an hour, and we don't exactly need them at the moment (look out the window). But then I thought, actually, we do need as much protection as possible to stop our faces being full of sun spots and lacking elasticity by the time we're as old as our old parents. (No offence ma).

THEN you're extended skincare routine (which is once a week) is: cleanse, tone, exfoliate, mask, serum, moisturise, eye balm, shield. Crazy right? Some of my colleagues even do the cleanse and tone twice, just to be safe. Now, I don't know about anyone else, but I can't be bothered most mornings and evenings with all that. But I've just been given LOTS of samples of the skincare, and I'll admit the difference in my skin has been pretty good.

At the moment, we've just launched our Angelica campaign in Salisbury, which is the best range for dehydrated skin, also especially good for young skin, because the ingredients aren't too active, so there will be tonnes of amazing deals going on there, so come buy everything. Or make your parents.

This has been amazing:

This is the hydration mask, really good.

This is my favourite moisturiser as well, I've got a combination of oily and dry skin, so it's very effective. And I have LOTS of it, so if you want a sample please come take some from me!!

But generally, I have millions of face care samples and if anyone fancies trying out something, please come find me and ask if I have any good ones, because frankly I'm not going to get through all the samples.

EURGH boring post out the way.

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